Why Read an Electric Toothbrush Review Before Buying

With so many electric toothbrushes available on the market, it can be hard to decide which one is ideal for you. That is why research and reading electric toothbrush reviews before purchasing is so important.

Before making a purchase, it is essential to review the return policy of a company. This way, you are protected in case something goes awry with your product and can get a refund if needed.

The bristles

Most electric toothbrushes feature nylon bristles to effectively scrape away food particles, plaque, and germs. These synthetic materials are strong and long-lasting.

Electric toothbrush bristles are manufactured through an intricate manufacturing process that demands advanced machinery and perfect accuracy. The tufts of this toothbrush are specifically engineered to point in specific directions to pick up food particles and plaque, making brushing much more efficient.

In the manufacturing process, plastic pellets are heated and then forced through a metal tube into an injection mold that will eventually create a solid plastic toothbrush. The mold includes both a handle and head where bristles will be added.

Block-shaped tufts may have equal heights or be mixed and arranged in a pattern designed for effective brushing of hard-to-reach places on teeth. Some brushes even feature zigzag patterns, helping you pick up even more food particles and plaque.

The case

Electric toothbrushes are an ideal way to improve your oral hygiene, particularly if you have limited motor skills or wear braces. Plus, they help prevent gum disease – the leading cause of tooth loss – from taking hold.

An electric toothbrush’s primary benefit is its capacity to remove plaque from hard-to-reach places in your mouth. Plaque can eat away at your teeth’s enamel, leaving them more vulnerable to decay.

An electric toothbrush usually offers several cleaning modes to choose from, each programmed by small memory chips on the inside of the handle. These settings enable you to customize speed and motion of the brush head according to your individual needs.

Many premium brushes feature an internal pressure sensor that lights up when you brush too hard. These sensors are an excellent way to monitor your oral hygiene habits and notify you if something’s amiss.

The motor

An electric toothbrush uses a motor that spins the brush head at high speeds to effectively brush away plaque, helping prevent gingivitis and other gum diseases.

To accomplish this, the motor runs electricity through a coil that produces a magnetic field. This attracts and repels permanent magnets within the rotor.

Once the rotor begins spinning, a gear system connects the brush head to the motor and transforms this high speed action into back-and-forth brushing motion that cleans your teeth. This motion is intended to replicate manual toothbrushing motion for increased effectiveness.

Some modern models feature a timer that buzzes after two minutes and can be interrupted at intervals of 30 seconds to remind you when to recharge the battery. Furthermore, these brushes also come equipped with pressure sensors which detect when too much pressure is being applied to the brush; this may help prevent over-brushing your teeth.

The app

Smart electric toothbrushes use a smartphone app to record brushing sessions, measure how effective your technique is and provide advice for improving dental hygiene. Some even feature a timer that ensures you brush for enough time.

Kolibree, a French start-up, is showcasing their connected toothbrush at the CES trade show in Las Vegas that records each brushing session and provides feedback on your performance.

Kolibree claims the data it collects helps users improve their dental care by alerting them to areas that need extra attention or warning them when they are brushing too hard.

Kolibree’s toothbrush is connected via Bluetooth to a phone running their app, which will be available for iPhones, iPods and Android phones, according to the company.

The app uses AI-learning behavior to detect when people are brushing too often or not enough, and provides personalized feedback in real time. You can program the toothbrush to change speed automatically or create a special routine specifically targeted at problem areas for added focus and effectiveness.
